Minerals Route brings the health benefits of Himalayan Rock Salt to you at your home and office with this hand-carved 100% natural and unique Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp. Minerals Route helps you to create your perfect home as haven. Himalayan salt produces a stream of negative ions into the air, stand-in as a natural air purifier. Other reported health benefits include:
• Better sleep
• Pre-eminent mood and happiness
• Reduction to electromagnetism discharged from appliances, computers and mobile phones
• Immune system boost
• Reduced stress
• Increased energy level
• Reduction in symptoms of asthma and allergies
• Humidification properties reduces air born pathogens
A Salt Lamp in Animal Shape also featured a beautiful and enchanting natural pink coloration to provide a warm red/orange glow when the lamp is illuminated. Its available in approved standards of different countries including UK, Canada, Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Saudi Arabia and South American Countries
Believed to be: When we switched on with bulb heat lamp heated up & the negative salt ions released by heating can boost blood flow, improve sleep, increase levels of serotonin in the brain, and calm allergy or asthma symptoms. These negative ions are said to neutralize electromagnetic radiation from household electronics, and even prevent the build-up of static electricity.
This different shape hand carved salt lamps that available in pink, orange and reddish shades, inside a bulb light give its most beautiful light spread in your room. These salt lamps are available with best supporting wooden and marble base to keep it anywhere in your room with standard size of electric cord and a small bulb of 15 watts to keep it on all the time. You can buy these salt lamps online from our Alibaba store at mineralsroute.trustpass.alibaba.com or our website www.mineralsroute.com